
Hidden in Plain View
Undesigned Coincidences in the Gospels and Acts
Lydia McGrew

luotu 30.12.2024 klo 13:15

Sivuja: 288

Kustantaja: DeWard Publishing, 2017

ISBN-13: 9781936341900

ISBN-10: 1936341905


Kirjan alkusivuilta:

Lydia McGrew thinks outside the box of much contemporary biblical scholarship to highlight the ways in which one Gospel completely in passing and therefore almost certainly inadvertently explains a question that other Gospels raise but leave unanswered by gaps in their narratives. Then she does the same with the Acts of the Apostles and the letters of Paul. She is scarcely the first to have noticed these "coincidences" but is one of the few in the twenty-first century to highlight them. Her work thus forms one more important plank in the ever-growing platform for the reliability of the New Testament, since these connections are far too subtle, consistent and true to what we know of the first century to be fictitiously created.
– Craig L. Blomberg, Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen professori


Tri Lydia McGrew on analyyttinen filosofi, joka työskentelee tietoteorian ja Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen parissa. Hänen epistemologiaa, todistajanlausuntoja ja todennäköisyysteoriaa käsitteleviä artikkeleitaan on julkaistu runsaasti.

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