
Church History, Volume Two
From Pre-Reformation to the Present Day (1st ed.)
John D. Woodbridge, Frank A. James III

luotu 9.8.2018 klo 19:20

Sivuja: 608

Kustantaja: Zondervan Main, 2013

ISBN-13: 9780310257431

ISBN-10: 0310257433

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Kirjan takakannesta:

Church history is the story of the greatest community the world has known and the greatest movement in world history. Yet, just as the biblical record of the people of God is the story of a mixed people with great acts of faith and great failures in sin and unfaithfulness, so is the history of the people who have made up the church down through the ages.

Church History, Volume Two is an account of the ups and downs, the triumphs and struggles, of the Christian movement. It offers a unique contextual view of how the Christian church spread and developed from the just prior to the Reformation and through the next five-hundred-plus years into the present-day. This book looks closely at the integral link between the history of the world and that of the church, detailing the times, cultures, and events that both influenced and were influenced by the church.

Filled with maps, charts, and illustrations, gives primary attention to the history of Christianity in the West (western Europe and North America), but given the global and ecumenical environment of the twenty-first century, it also covers Africa, eastern Europe, Asia, and Latin America.


John D. Woodbridge on valmistunut tohtoriksi Ranskan Toulousen yliopistosta. Hän on työskennellyt kirkkohistorian ja kristillisen ajattelun historian professorina Trinity Evangelical Divinity Schoolissa (Deerfield, Illinois) vuodesta 1970 saakka. Woodbridge on toiminut Christianity Today -lehden päätoimittajana ja saanut kristinuskon historiaa käsittelevistä teoksistaan neljä Gold Medallion Award -palkintoa.

Frank A. James III on historiallisen teologian professori ja Biblical Theological Seminaryn (Hatfield, Pennsylvania) johtaja. Hän on suorittanut kaksi tohtorintutkintoa ja erikoistunut uskonpuhdistuksen historiaan.

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