The Mirror or the Mask
Liberating the Gospels from Literary Devices
Lydia McGrew
luotu 4.3.2025 klo 09:43

Sivuja: 582
Kustantaja: DeWard Publishing, 2019
ISBN-13: 9781947929074
ISBN-10: 1947929070
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Kirjan takakannesta:
In recent yesars some evangelical scholars have claimed that the Gospel writers were allowed by contemporary literary conventions to present events one way even when the historical reality was different... McGrew has done her homework and systematically considers the evidence for each convention, ultimately finding them all wanting. At the same time she amasses evidence that the gospels should be read in a way lay readers are likely to read them anyway. I am grateful for her knowledgeable contribution to Gospel studies.
The Mirror or the Mask is a massive piece of first-rate, rigorous scholarship that leaves no stone unturned. Replete with very careful distinctions, The Mirror or the Mask offers a precise analysis of the contemporary practice of employing ”fictionalization” to exegete various Gospel texts. McGrew's careful analysis finds such a practice wanting and dangerous and replaces this practice with an approach that treats the Gospels as honest historical reports based on eyewitness testimony. This book is a must read for all who are interested in the historical accuracy of our portraits of Jesus.
Readers can learn a lot about good historical method, ancient and modern, from McGrew's extremely thorough and meticulous analysis. However, three clarifications are essential: (1) This book is not about literary devices in general but about fictionalizing devices. (2) The approaches most criticized are not common among inerrantist Gospel scholars. (3) The evangelical scholars criticized, both inerrantist and non-inerrantist, have overall been significant defenders of Gospel reliability and of the Christian faith more generally.
Tri Lydia McGrew on analyyttinen filosofi, joka työskentelee tietoteorian ja Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen parissa. Hänen epistemologiaa, todistajanlausuntoja ja todennäköisyysteoriaa käsitteleviä artikkeleitaan on julkaistu runsaasti.