
An Introduction to the New Testament
Contexts, Methods & Ministry Formation
David A. deSilva

luotu 20.4.2009 klo 20:06

Sivuja: 975

Kustantaja: IVP Academic, 2004

ISBN-13: 9780830827466

ISBN-10: 0830827463

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Kirjan takakannesta:

The books of the New Testament were written as pastoral responses to concrete situations. Here is an introduction that not only gives close attention to the historical, social, cultural and rhetorical dimensions of those ancient pastoral settings, it also integrates instruction in exegetical and interpretive strategies for its readers today, and draws out significant implications for contemporary ministry formation. This introduction sets a new standard for its genre and should be welcomed by those who are radical enough to believe that, when it comes to training for ministry, the New Testament should be introduced as if both scholarship and ministry mattered.


David A. deSilva toimii Uuden testamentin ja kreikan professorina (Ashland Theological Seminary, USA). Hän on kirjoittanut useita teoksia, jotka valottavat Uuden testamentin kulttuuri- ja yhteiskuntataustaa.

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