
Feet Firmly Planted in Mid-Air
Francis J. Beckwith, Gregory Koukl

luotu 8.11.2023 klo 14:58

Sivuja: 190

Kustantaja: Baker Books, 1998

ISBN-13: 9780801058066

ISBN-10: 0801058066

Tilaa Adlibrikselta – tuet Puolustajan Polkua!


Kirjan takakannesta:

Writing from years of experience in defending Christian values, Francis Beckwith and Gregory Koukl offer a critique of moral relativism. In the tradition of C. S. Lewis and Francis Schaeffer, the authors consider issues of fundamental concern for Christians in a straightforward, uncomplicated manner.

Although the growth of relativism has become one of the dominant issues of our age, this book is one of the few practical works available that deals with these concerns. The authors begin with a survey of the rising tide of relativism in recent decades, which, after starting in university and academic circles, has filtered down to many aspects of everyday life.

Beckwith and Koukl explore the inconsistencies inherent in the relativist position, suggest specific approaches that can be used in the course of dialogue, and consider the everyday implications of relativism, especially in relation to important issues such as:

  • abortion
  • homosexuality
  • multiculturalism
  • political correctness
  • tolerance

This book offers commonsense assistance to all who desire to understand the modern challenges to the Christian faith and its moral system, that they might be better equipped to defend their beliefs. Christian educators, church leaders, and students will also find this an important study.


Tohtori Francis J. Beckwith on filosofian professori ja Baylor Universityn maisteriohjelman apulaisjohtaja. Hän toimii myös yliopistonsa uskontotieteellisen instituutin tutkijana. Hän on julkaissut runsaasti kirjoituksia poliittisen filosofian, hallinnon, sovelletun etiikan, uskonnonfilosofian ja teologian aloilta.

Gregory Koukl toimii perustamansa apologeettisen Stand to Reason -järjestön puheenjohtajana. Hän on palkittu kirjailija, vierailee maailmanlaajuisesti puhumassa mm. yliopistokampuksilla ja isännöi radio-ohjelmaansa kahdesti viikossa.

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