
From God To Us
How We Got Our Bible (Rev. & Exp. ed.)
Norman L. Geisler, William E. Nix

luotu 13.12.2022 klo 13:03

Sivuja: 416

Kustantaja: Moody Publishers, 2012

ISBN-13: 9780802428820

ISBN-10: 0802428827

Tilaa Adlibrikselta – tuet Puolustajan Polkua!


Kirjan takakannesta:

The Bible was written in multiple languages by dozens of authors whose lives spanned a period of more than fifteen hundred years. How did it all come together?

Best-selling authors Norman Geisler and William Nix thoroughly answer this question and many more in this revised and expanded edition of a classic which has sold more than 78,000 copies. Helpful charts, photos, and indices have been added, rendering this book ideally suited for Bible students, pastors, and professors.

Major topics addressed include: theories of inspiration, the process of canonization, major manuscripts and recent discoveries, textual criticism, Greek and Latin translations, and modern English translations. The entire field of general biblical introduction is covered.

This is a long-trusted resource for understanding why we can trust the Scriptures really are God's word.


Edesmennyt Norman L. Geisler (PhD, Loyola University) oli systemaattinen teologi, filosofi ja apologi. Hän oli mukana perustamassa kaksi evankelikaalista seminaaria (Veritas International University ja Southern Evangelical Seminary). Geisler kirjoitti kymmeniä kristinuskoa puolustavia teoksia.

Tohtori William E. Nix on historian ja teologian tutkimuksen professori (Veritas Evangelical Seminary, Murrieta, CA).

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