Darwin Devolves
The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution (Reprint ed.)
Michael J. Behe
luotu 24.9.2024 klo 15:16

Sivuja: 352
Kustantaja: HarperOne, 2020
ISBN-13: 9780062842664
ISBN-10: 0062842668
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Kirjan takakannesta:
Evolution Is Broken, and It's Time to Admit the Obvious
Critically analyzing the lates research, biochemist and author of Darwin's Black Box Michael J. Behe gives a sweeping tour of how modern theories of evolution fall short, and how the devolving nature of Darwin's mechanism limits them evern further. If we are to get a satisfactory answer to how the most complex, stunning life-forms arose, it's time to look beyond Darwin.
I highly recommend this book to both proponents and skeptics of Darwinian evolution as it will open new avenues of thought and creativity regarding this important subject.
Behe’s latest masterpiece takes the evidence marshaled in defense of the unbounded power of blind evolution and deftly brings it to the opposite conclusion: evolution is self-limiting by design. Time for the Behe-bashers to retire.
Behe introduces new molecular-level facts that sink the Darwinian view of life once and for all: Darwinian mechanism sometimes helps the survival of an organism but always by damaging or breaking genes. The conclusion is clear: life is the product of a mind.
Michael J. Behe on biokemian professori (Lehigh University, PA) ja Discovery Instituten vanhempi jäsen. Hän tuli tunnetuksi palautumattoman monimutkaisuuden (engl. irreducible complexity) argumentista.