Testimonies to the Truth
Why You Can Trust the Gospels
Lydia McGrew
luotu 3.2.2025 klo 14:25

Sivuja: 276
Kustantaja: DeWard Publishing, 2023
ISBN-13: 9781947929234
ISBN-10: 1947929232
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Kirjan takakannesta:
Christians should be prepared to defend and share their faith, even while wrestling with doubts and questions that arise from within and without. With thousands of books out there – not to mention content on social media – where do we start?
Testimonies to the Truth, Lydia McGrew's fourth book on New Testament reliability, provides a great starting point. With a heart for evangelism, equipping believers, and scholarship, McGrew brings together new arguments and old ones in a form that is readily accessible to laymen while being careful and rigorous. With these arguments in hand, you will never be stumped when someone asks, ”Why should I believe what the Bible says about the life and teachings of Jesus?”
Above all, McGrew points to Jesus himself, true God and true man, the One who teaches, loves, and suffers for us, described by the Gospels in vivid and credible detail. Including suggested study and discussion questions and references for further reading and research, Testimonies to the Truth provides an excellent resource for personal study, Sunday school, high school and college classes, and small groups.
Tri Lydia McGrew on analyyttinen filosofi, joka työskentelee tietoteorian ja Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen parissa. Hänen epistemologiaa, todistajanlausuntoja ja todennäköisyysteoriaa käsitteleviä artikkeleitaan on julkaistu runsaasti.