
A Survey of Metaphysics
E. J. Lowe

luotu 14.12.2022 klo 14:55

Sivuja: 416

Kustantaja: Oxford University Press, 2002

ISBN-13: 9780198752530

ISBN-10: 0198752539

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Kirjan takakannesta:

A Survey of Metaphysics provides a well-informed and reliable guide to modern metaphysics, covering all of the most important topics likely to be encountered on a metaphysics course. Divided into six main parts, the book focuses in turn on the following major themes: identity and change, necessity and essence, causation, agency and events, space and time, and universals and particulars.

The author's approach is not narrowly partisan, but avoids bland neutrality in matters of controversy. While the book makes reference when necessary to the history of metaphysics, its emphasis is on contemporary views and issues, enabling students to engage effectively with the latest literature on the subject.

This is a great book. It will immediately become—and will remain for some time—one of the two or three books that are seriously considered for any metaphysics course that uses a textbook.
– professori Trenton Merricks, University of Virginia


Edesmennyt E. J. Lowe oli brittiläinen filosofi ja akateemikko. Hän toimi filosofian professorina Durhamin yliopistossa ja oli yksi sukupolvensa johtavia filosofeja. Lowen tutkimukset ja julkaisu keskittyivät metafysiikkaan, mielen filosofiaan, filosofiseen logiikkaan ja varhaismodernin filosofian historiaan. Hänet tunnetaan dualistisen interaktionismin terävästä puolustuksesta.

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