
Philosophy of Religion
A Reader and Guide
William Lane Craig (toim.)

luotu 8.12.2022 klo 18:59

Sivuja: 656

Kustantaja: Rutgers University Press, 2002

ISBN-13: 9780748614622

ISBN-10: 0748614621

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Kirjan takakannesta:

Philosophy of Religion is a combined anthology and guide intended for use as a textbook in courses on Philosophy of Religion. It aims to bring to the student the very best of cutting-edge work on important topics in the field.

The anthology is comprised of six sections, each of which opens with a substantive introductory essay followed by a selection of influential writings by philosophers of religion:

  • Religious Epistemology (by Kevin Meeker, Department of Philosophy, University of South Alabama), deals with the rationality and warrant of theistic belief.
  • Existence of God (by William Lane Craig, Philosophy Department, Talbot School of Theology), presents the cosmological, teleological, axiological, noölogical, and ontological arguments for the existence of God.
  • Coherence of Theism (by William Lane Craig, Philosophy Department, Talbot School of Theology), covers the divine attributes of necessity, eternity, omnipotence, omniscience, and goodness.
  • Problem of Evil (by Timothy O'Connor, Department of Philosophy, Indiana University), treats both the internal and external challenge posed by evil to theistic belief.
  • Soul and Immortality (by J. P. Moreland, Department of Philosophy, Biola University), explores the substantiality and immateriality of the soul and the implications for life after death of the body.
  • Christian Theology (by Michael Murray, Department of Philosophy, Franklin and Marshall College), handles problems posed by the Trinity, incarnation, atonement, damnation and prayer.

Presenting a sympathetic view of the topics it treats, Philosophy of Religion provides an ideal resource for studying the central questions raised by religious belief.


  • A combined anthology of readings and guide to the subject
  • Focuses on contemporary issues in the Philosophy of Religion
  • Emphasis placed on the Christian tradition
  • High quality introductions to each section provide a survey of each topic
  • Cutting-edge readings chosen by specialists


William Lane Craig toimii filosofian tutkimusprofessorina (Talbot School of Theology, USA). Hän on koulutukseltaan sekä filosofian että teologian tohtori. Craig on kirjoittanut kymmeniä kirjoja ja artikkeleita sekä teologian, filosofian että raamatuntutkimuksen alueelta ja osallistunut lukuisiin apologeettisiin väittelyihin.

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