
The Irony of Galatians
Paul's Letter in First-Century Context
Mark D. Nanos

luotu 15.9.2009 klo 22:33

Sivuja: 392

Kustantaja: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 2002

ISBN-13: 9780800632144

ISBN-10: 0800632141

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Kirjan takakannesta:

"The Irony of Galatians is the most thorough and innovative investigation of this letter since Betz's Hermeneia commentary (1979). It develops a completely new approach to Galatiasn as a response to local Jewish 'influencers' who sought to bring members of Christian cells into the status of honored proselytes within their synagogues. With his mastery of historical, social, and linguistic details, Mark Nanos challenges centuries of traditional interpretations – including my own. This incisive book is certain to become the storm center of future debate, throwing new light onto the interaction between Jewish and Christian groups in the first century." – Robert Jewett, Visiting Professor, University of Heidelberg


Teologian tohtori Mark D. Nanos on varhaiskristillisyyden ja varhaisjuutalaisuuden asiantuntija. Hän toimii luennoijana ja vierailevana tutkijana sekä USAssa että Iso-Britanniassa.

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