
The Credibility of the New Testament Accounts (2 Vols.)
Craig S. Keener

luotu 18.12.2022 klo 20:56

Sivuja: 1248

Kustantaja: Baker Academic, 2011

ISBN-13: 9780801039522

ISBN-10: 0801039525

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Kirjan kansiliepeestä ja takakannesta:

Most modern prejudice against biblical miracle reports depends on David Hume's argument that uniform human experience precluded miracles. Yet current research shows that human experience is far from uniform. In fact, hundreds of millions of people today claim to have experienced miracles. In this wide-ranging and meticulously researched study, Craig Keener argues that it is time to rethink Hume's argument in light of the contemporary evidence available to us.

Seldom does a book take one's breath away, but Keener's magisterial Miracles is such a book. It is an extremely sophisticated, completely thorough treatment of its subject matter and, in my opinion, it is now the best text available on the topic. The uniqueness of Keener's treatment lies in his location of the biblical miracles in the trajectory of ongoing, documented miracles in the name of Jesus and His kingdom throughout church history, up to and including the present. From now on, no one who deals with the credibility of biblical miracles can do so responsibly without interacting with this book.
– J. P. Moreland, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University
Keener's discussion of New Testament miracles adduces a uniquely—indeed staggeringly—extensive collection of comparative material. That eyewitnesses frequently testify to miraculous healings and other 'extranormal' events is demonstrated beyond doubt. Keener mounts a very strong challenge to the methodological skepticism about the miraculous to which so many New Testament scholars are still committed. It turns out to be an ethnocentric prejudice of modern Western intellectuals. So who's afraid of David Hume now?
– Richard Bauckham, St. Andrews University; Ridley Hall, Cambridge
This book is a rarity in the scholarly world in that it is both rigorous in its scholarship and speaks with knowledge and passion about an exciting subject that demands our attention. We have here perhaps the best book ever written on miracles in this or any age. Highly recommended.
– Ben Witherington III, Asbury Theological Seminary


Craig S. Keener on Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen professori (Asbury Theological Seminary). Hän on kirjoittanut niin akateemisia kuin kansantajuisiakin teoksia, joista kuusi on palkittu, sekä satakunta vertaisarvioitua artikkelia.

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