The Gospels for All Christians
Rethinking the Gospel Audiences
Richard J. Bauckham
luotu 31.3.2009 klo 08:46

Sivuja: 220
Kustantaja: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997
ISBN-13: 9780802844446
ISBN-10: 0802844448
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Kirjan takakannesta:
"Not many books on the canonical Gospels are truly groundbreaking, but this one is. Richard Bauckham and his colleagues... convincingly challenge one of the most deeply rooted assumptions of contemporary scholarship, namely, that the Gospels were written out of and for fairly restrictive early communities that enjoyed relatively little contact with the whole church. This book persuasively argues that both in intent and in reality the Gospels were written for 'all Christians'. It deserves the widest possible circulation among pastors, students, and scholars alike, and it promises to revamp more than one shibboleth." – D. A. Carson, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
Richard J. Bauckham toimii Uuden testamentin eksegetiikan professorina ja Bishop Wardlaw -professorina (St. Mary's College, Skotlanti). Hän on British Academyn ja Royal Society of Edinburghin jäsen.