
Back to the Future
A Study in the Book of Revelation
Ralph E. Bass Jr.

luotu 10.7.2010 klo 09:54

Sivuja: 544

Kustantaja: Living Hope Press, 2004

ISBN-13: 9780975954706

ISBN-10: 0975954709

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Kirjan kansiliepeestä:

After embracing the theology of the Dispensational church for thirty-three years, nourished by a loving pastor and many dear friends, and along the way taking in countless sermons, Sunday school lessons, and Bible studies, there was still a doubt in the author's mind concerning the issues raised by eschatological questions – by the questions of biblical prophecy and the final events in the history of the world and of mankind.

While pastoring, he avoided the subject, but, one day, he was asked questions on prophecy that he could no longer answer with commitment or conviction. It was time to find real answers.

What began as Sunday school lessons continued as a quest to produce something definitive – something of substance, a body of learning beyond the Sunday school class – for the benefit of the author himself and for others seeking deeper answers.

Feeling that much of what was out there on the subject was sorely wanting, the author envisaged another work from the loyal opposition of the prevailing opinion, something written from a deep conviction in the sufficiency and trustworthiness of Scripture, yet something far different from the usual offerings.

This book is the result of the author's quest.


Ralph E. Bass Jr. on teologian tohtori, joka syventyi Ilmestyskirjan sisältöön ja tarkoitukseen huomattuaan, ettei hänen omaksumansa opetus kyennytkään vastaamaan tyydyttävästi eskatologisiin kysymyksiin.

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