
Renovation of the Heart
Putting on the Character of Christ
Dallas Willard

luotu 10.7.2010 klo 08:47

Sivuja: 269

Kustantaja: NavPress, 2002

ISBN-13: 9781576832967

ISBN-10: 1576832961

Tilaa Adlibrikselta – tuet Puolustajan Polkua!


Kirjan takakannesta:

We aren't born again to stay the way we are. But how many times have we looked around us in dismay at the lack of spiritual maturity in fellow believers? It is evident in the rising rate of divorces among Christian couples. We find it in the high percentages of Christians, even pastors, who regularly view pornography. And we face it each time a well-known leader in the Christian community is found in sexual sin or handling finances dishonestly. Perhaps you have struggled with your own character issues for years, even decades, to little avail.

There's good news. You CAN experience significant growth in your Christian walk, shed sinful habits, and take on the character of Christ. In Renovation of the Heart, Dallas Willard calls it "the transformation of the spirit" – a divine process that "brings every element in our being, working from inside out, into harmony with the will of God". As we become apprentices of Jesus our spirits are transformed.


Edesmennyt filosofi, teologi, tutkija ja kirjailija Dallas Willard toimi filosofian professorina (University of Southern California, USA). Hän on kirjoittanut useita teoksia Jumalan ja arkielämän yhteenkuuluvuudesta.

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