
A Matter of Days
Resolving a Creation Controversy
Hugh Ross

luotu 4.1.2013 klo 19:56

Sivuja: 303

Kustantaja: NavPress Publishing Group, 2004

ISBN-13: 9781576833759

ISBN-10: 1576833755


Kirjan takakannesta:

Creation – it's all in six days' work. But did the creation days of Genesis last hours or epochs? The length of time represented by the word day sparks a storm of controversy. Lightning strikes and thunder roars with questions at the core of the debate:

  • Does belief in an old Earth equate to belief in evolution?
  • Was there any kind of death before the Fall?
  • Does the Bible speak of a "big bang?"
  • Is God's plan a restored paradise or a whole new creation?

In A Matter of Days, respected author and astronomer Hugh Ross, Ph.D., addresses these questions and explores how the creation-day controversy developed. History, theology, science, and Scripture reveal creation's big picture.


Hugh Ross on fyysikko ja astronomian tohtori. Tieteellisestä mielenkiinnosta hän tutustui uransa ohessa erilaisiin pyhiin kirjoihin ja havaitsi, että vain yksi niistä oli tieteellisesti ja historiallisesti vakuuttava. Ross on Reasons to Believe -järjestön johtaja.

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