
Fit for a Purpose
Does the Antropic Principle Include Biochemistry?
Fazale Rana

luotu 10.6.2024 klo 19:55

Sivuja: 344

Kustantaja: RTB Press, 2021

ISBN-13: 9781956112009

ISBN-10: 1956112006


Kirjan takakannesta:

Blaze a new trail of discovery in biochemistry.

Nearly a half a century after the introduction of the idea that humanity lives in a universe at the just-right location, the just-right time, and with the just-right physical constants, the anthropic principle continues to gain acceptance among astronomers and astrophysicists. Few scientists question the fine-tuning of the numerical quantities that define the universe.

But what about the unexplored areas of chemistry and biochemistry? Do we witness an equal amount of evidence for fine-tuning?

In Fit for a Purpose, biochemist Fazale Rana fearlessly pushes the boundaries of the anthropic principle beyond cosmology. In the process, Rana invites the reader to discover the world of chemical and biochemical fine-tuning, as well as to contemplate this question:

If the universe is fit for life, and biochemical systems are fit for their role in life, is it possible that everything is "fit for a purpose"?

It's well-known that the laws of nature, their constants, and the forces that make up the universe must all be just-right for the universe and for life to exist... In Fit for a Purpose, Rana describes how this principle extends to the very chemistry of the molecules necessary for life... This book is both entertaining and informative. I highly recommend it.
– Russell W. Carlson, biokemian ja molekyylibiologian emeritusprofessori, University of Georgia


Fazale Rana on kahdesti palkittu biokemian tohtori, joka työskenteli vanhempana tutkijana Procter & Gamblella seitsemän vuotta. Tieteelliset havainnot saivat hänet oivaltamaan, että elämä on tarkoituksellisesti suunniteltu ja luotu. Nyt Rana toimii Reasons to Believe -järjestössä ja pyrkii oikaisemaan virheellisen käsityksen, että tiede ja Raamattu olisivat ristiriidassa keskenään.


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