
Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men
A Rational Christian Look at UFOs and Extraterrestials (Reprint ed.)
Hugh Ross, Kenneth R. Samples, Mark T. Clark

luotu 5.6.2024 klo 23:23

Sivuja: 280

Kustantaja: RTB Press, 2024

ISBN-13: 9781956112054

ISBN-10: 1956112057

Kirjan takakannesta:

Across the spectrum of humankind, there are beliefs and theories about UFOs and extraterrestrial life as diverse and numerous as the stars in the sky. Primarily, a dichotomy exists between naturalists who deny the supernatural and insist upon scientific explanations for all accounts, and mystics who attribute every unusual sighting to paranormal activity.

People everywhere are looking for honest answers. As believers, we neither shy away from the supernatural because it is unsettling nor condemn scientific explanations for their lack of spirituality. Rather, we search for truth.

In Lights in the Sky and Little Green Men, the authors have initiated a search for truth to answers about UFO sightings and extraterrestrial life. Using their extensive scientific background and knowledge of the Scriptures, they approach these questions:

  • Could life exist on other planets?
  • Does documentation exist for UFO sightings and landings?
  • What has been the government s involvement in UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena?
  • Is there a relationship between UFO sightings and demonology?
  • How should believers approach the subject of UFOs and extraterrestrial life?

When we have questions about UFO and extraterrestrial phenomena, we should seek answers from qualified sources. Authors Hugh Ross, Kenneth Samples, and Mark Clark have training and experience in the appropriate disciplines. They augment scientific and historical analysis with truths from God's Word to provide a balanced look at a controversial subject.


Hugh Ross on fyysikko ja astronomian tohtori. Tieteellisestä mielenkiinnosta hän tutustui uransa ohessa erilaisiin pyhiin kirjoihin ja havaitsi, että vain yksi niistä oli tieteellisesti ja historiallisesti vakuuttava. Ross on Reasons to Believe -järjestön johtaja.

Teologi Kenneth R. Samples työskentelee vanhempana tutkijana Reasons to Believe -järjestössä, tieteen ja uskonnon ajatushautomossa. Hän toimii myös osa-aikaisena lehtorina Biola Universityssa.

Mark T. Clark on poliittisen tieteen emeritusprofessori ja California State Universityn kansallisen turvallisuuden tutkimuksen johtaja. Hän on kirjoittanut artikkeleita kansallisesta turvallisuudesta, ydinaseista ja kristillisestä näkökulmasta oikeutetun sodan käsitteeseen useisiin tutkimusjulkaisuihin.

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