
The Last Word
Beyond the Bible Wars to a New Understanding of the Authority of Scripture
N. T. Wright

luotu 12.7.2010 klo 11:49

Sivuja: 160

Kustantaja: HarperSanFrancisco, 2005

ISBN-13: 9780060816094

ISBN-10: 0060816090

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Kirjan takakannesta:

"But what does Scripture say?" That question has echoed through a thousand debates in the life of the worldwide church in recent decades. All Christian churches have officially signed up to strong statements about the centrality of Scripture and its authority in their mission, life, doctrine, and discipline. But there is no agreement on what this might mean and how it might be worked out in practice.

In this succinct and significant book, N. T. Wright delivers a helpful lesson for our times on how to understand the place of scripture and the authority that the Bible can still hold in the midst of the religious confusion so prevalent today. His straightforward historical summary of the role of the Bible in public consciousness and in the church and his helpful suggestions for getting back on track make this book an unparalleled resource in this continuing discussion. Revealing how both evangelicals and liberals misread scripture, Wright shows the way we can restore the Bible to its rightful role as a guide for the church through its many controversies.


Tohtori N. T. Wright työskentelee Uuden testamentin ja alkukristillisyyden tutkimusprofessorina (University of St Andrews, Skotlanti). Hän on sekä historioitsija että teologi – ja yksi maailmanlaajuisesti arvostetuimmista Jeesus- ja Paavali-tutkijoista. Hän on aiemmin toiminut Durhamin piispana, opettanut Cambridgen, Montrealin ja Oxfordin yliopistoissa ja kirjoittanut lukuisia teoksia niin akateemiselle kuin tavallisellekin yleisölle. Näihin teoksiin kuuluvat mm. The Climax of the Covenant (1990), The New Testament and the People of God (1992), Jesus and the Victory of God (1996) ja The Resurrection of the Son of God (2003).

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