
The Great Omission
Reclaiming Jesus's Essential Teachings on Discipleship
Dallas Willard

luotu 4.6.2010 klo 10:19

Sivuja: 256

Kustantaja: HarperOne, 2006

ISBN-13: 9780060882433

ISBN-10: 0060882433

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Kirjan päällysliepeistä:

Jesus's last command was to go and make disciples. We have responded by making Christians. Willard challenges the idea that we can call ourselves Christians without applying our faith to every aspect of life. "The New Testament is a book about disciples, by disciples, and for disciples of Jesus Christ", explains the author. "All the church needs to fulfill Christ's purposes on earth is the quality of life he makes real in the life of his disciples... the greatest issue facing the world today, with all its heart-breaking needs, is whether those who are identified as Christians will become disciples." This title includes sections on being apprenticed to Jesus; spiritual formation and the development of character; discipleship of soul and mind; and learning from classics on spiritual living.


Edesmennyt filosofi, teologi, tutkija ja kirjailija Dallas Willard toimi filosofian professorina (University of Southern California, USA). Hän on kirjoittanut useita teoksia Jumalan ja arkielämän yhteenkuuluvuudesta.

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