
The Day the Revolution Began
Rethinking The Meaning Of Jesus' Crucifixion
Tom Wright

luotu 12.8.2018 klo 23:29

muokattu 12.8.2018 klo 23:34

Sivuja: 432

Kustantaja: SPCK Publishing, 2016

ISBN-13: 9780281061457

ISBN-10: 0281061459

Tilaa Adlibrikselta – tuet Puolustajan Polkua!

muokattu 12.8.2018 klo 23:34


Kirjan kansiliepeestä:

How can the death of one man two thousand years ago have any relevance for me today? Why did Jesus have to die? The greater the claim, the sharper the question... Why should this one be different? What possible sense can we make of the idea of someone dying for someone else, let alone dying 'for their sins'? How on earth can the violent death of an apparently innocent man be understood as a victory over 'the rulers and authorities'? And – perhaps the greatest and most challenging question of all – in what sense can this terrible event be seen, as the earliest Christians insisted it ought to be, as the ultimate revelation of divine love?

In The Day the Revolution Began Tom Wright invites you to consider the full meaning of the event at the heart of the Christian faith – Jesus' crucifixion. As he did in his acclaimed Surprised by Hope, Wright once again challenges commonly held beliefs, this time arguing that the Protestant Reformation did not go far enough in reshaping our understanding of the Cross. With his characteristic rigour and incisiveness, he goes back to the New Testament to show that Jesus' death not only releases us from the guilt and power of sin, but is nothing less than the beginning of a world-wide revolution that continues to this day – a revolution that creates and energizes a movement responsible for restoring and reconciling the whole of God's creation.

The Day the Revolution Began will take you to a new level in your appreciation of the meaning of Jesus' sacrifice: opening up its powerful and amazing implications, inspiring you with a renewed sense of purpose and hope, and reminding you of the crucial role you can play in the world-transforming movement that Jesus started.


Tohtori N. T. Wright (tuttavallisemmin Tom Wright) työskentelee Uuden testamentin ja alkukristillisyyden tutkimusprofessorina (University of St Andrews, Skotlanti). Hän on sekä historioitsija että teologi – ja yksi maailmanlaajuisesti arvostetuimmista Jeesus- ja Paavali-tutkijoista. Hän on aiemmin toiminut Durhamin piispana, opettanut Cambridgen, Montrealin ja Oxfordin yliopistoissa ja kirjoittanut lukuisia teoksia niin akateemiselle kuin tavallisellekin yleisölle. Näihin teoksiin kuuluvat mm. The Climax of the Covenant (1990), The New Testament and the People of God (1992), Jesus and the Victory of God (1996) ja The Resurrection of the Son of God (2003).

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