
For All God's Worth
True Worship and the Calling of the Church
N. T. Wright

luotu 10.7.2010 klo 09:30

Sivuja: 136

Kustantaja: Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 1997

ISBN-13: 9780802843197

ISBN-10: 0802843190

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Kirjan takakannesta:

All Christians worship God, but many do not fully understand what "worship" means. This insightful book by N. T. Wright explores both the meaning and the results of worship.

In Part 1, titled "The God Who Is Worthy of Praise", Wright focuses on God and on what worshiping God actually means. Wright celebrates the greatness and love of God as the ground and reason for worship and shows how reflection on who God actually is, especially as revealed in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, leads to true worship from both the heart and the mind. "Worship" derives from "worth-ship": it means giving God all he's worth.

In Part 2, "Reflecting God's Image in the World", Wright addresses a range of church-related issues that arise from the activity of worship. Because worship can never remain isolated from the task of the church, Wright here explores how true worship leads to the mission of the church in various specific ways.

Based firmly on sensitive and creative readings of the biblical text, these chapters issue a timely and provocative call for renewal in the worship and witness of today's church.


Tohtori N. T. Wright työskentelee Uuden testamentin ja alkukristillisyyden tutkimusprofessorina (University of St Andrews, Skotlanti). Hän on sekä historioitsija että teologi – ja yksi maailmanlaajuisesti arvostetuimmista Jeesus- ja Paavali-tutkijoista. Hän on aiemmin toiminut Durhamin piispana, opettanut Cambridgen, Montrealin ja Oxfordin yliopistoissa ja kirjoittanut lukuisia teoksia niin akateemiselle kuin tavallisellekin yleisölle. Näihin teoksiin kuuluvat mm. The Climax of the Covenant (1990), The New Testament and the People of God (1992), Jesus and the Victory of God (1996) ja The Resurrection of the Son of God (2003).

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