
Fabricating Jesus
How Modern Scholars Distort the Gospels
Craig A. Evans

luotu 31.3.2009 klo 08:50

Sivuja: 290

Kustantaja: InterVarsity Press, 2006

ISBN-13: 9780830833184

ISBN-10: 0830833188

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Kirjan takakannesta:

Modern historical study of the Gospels seems to give us a new portrait of Jesus every spring – just in time for Easter. The more unusual the portrait, the more it departs from the traditional view of Jesus, the more attention it gets in the popular media.

Why are scholars so prone to fabricate a new Jesus? Why is the public so eager to accept such claims without question? What methods and assumptions predispose scholars to distort the record? Is there a more sober approach to finding the real Jesus?

Commenting on such recent releases as Bart Ehrman's Misquoting Jesus, James Tabor's The Jesus Dynasty, Michael Baigent's The Jesus Papers and The Gospel of Judas, for which he served as an advisory board member to the National Geographic Society, Craig Evans offers a sane approach to examining the sources for understanding the historical Jesus.


Craig A. Evans on Uuden testamentin tutkimuksen johtava professori (Acadia Divinity College, Kanada), Hän on kirjoittanut laajalti historiallisesta Jeesuksesta ja Uuden testamentin ajan juutalaisuudesta. Tohtori Evans on toiminut neuvonantajana National Geographic Societyssa Juudaan evankeliumin tiimoilta sekä asiantuntijana useissa televisio-ohjelmissa ja -dokumenteissa.

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