
The Genesis Question
Scientific Advances and the Accuracy of Genesis (2nd Exp. ed.)
Hugh Ross

luotu 17.9.2009 klo 23:47

Sivuja: 238

Kustantaja: NavPress Publishing Group, 2001

ISBN-13: 9781576832301

ISBN-10: 1576832309


Kirjan takakannesta:

"Everyone knows the Bible teaches scientific nonsense" is a commonly held misconception. When pushed for examples, many point to the early chapters of Genesis as proof – creation, the Flood, 900-year life spans. And science has largely been silent on the subject – until now.

Examining recent, leading-edge scientific discoveries, Dr. Hugh Ross explores how these very chapters hold some of the strongest scientific evidence for the Bible's supernatural accuracy. Like never before, The Genesis Question integrates the accuracy of both science and the Bible – without compromise – giving skeptics and believers common ground and opportunity for dialog.


Hugh Ross on fyysikko ja astronomian tohtori. Tieteellisestä mielenkiinnosta hän tutustui uransa ohessa erilaisiin pyhiin kirjoihin ja havaitsi, että vain yksi niistä oli tieteellisesti ja historiallisesti vakuuttava. Ross on Reasons to Believe -järjestön johtaja.

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