
Jesus and the Victory of God
Christian Origins and the Question of God, Vol 2
N. T. Wright

luotu 17.2.2009 klo 17:07

Sivuja: 741

Kustantaja: Augsburg Fortress Publishers, 1997

ISBN-13: 9780800626822

ISBN-10: 0800626826

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Kirjan takakannesta:

In this highly anticipated volume, N. T. Wright focuses directly on the historical Jesus: Who was he? What did he say? And what did he mean by it all?

"Tom Wright's bold and brilliant book challenges us to rethink everything we thought we knew about the Jesus of history. Wright masterfully surveys the field of research on Jesus and proposes a fresh account of Jesus as a first-century Jewish apocalyptic prophet... The result? A portrait of Jesus that situates him firmly 'on the ground' in the politics of first-century Judaism while integrating the data of the Gospel traditions in original and surprising ways. Wright's sweeping hypothesis, presented in delightfully lucid prose, sets a benchmark for all subsequent investigations of the historical Jesus." –Richard B. Hays, Duke University Divinity School


Tohtori N. T. Wright työskentelee Uuden testamentin ja alkukristillisyyden tutkimusprofessorina (University of St Andrews, Skotlanti). Hän on sekä historioitsija että teologi – ja yksi maailmanlaajuisesti arvostetuimmista Jeesus- ja Paavali-tutkijoista. Hän on aiemmin toiminut Durhamin piispana, opettanut Cambridgen, Montrealin ja Oxfordin yliopistoissa ja kirjoittanut lukuisia teoksia niin akateemiselle kuin tavallisellekin yleisölle. Näihin teoksiin kuuluvat mm. The Climax of the Covenant (1990), The New Testament and the People of God (1992), Jesus and the Victory of God (1996) ja The Resurrection of the Son of God (2003).

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